Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wunder 6

Part six. I waited a little bit to post, because I didn't want people to think the project was slowing down. Part 7 coming soon :)

Making Wunder 6 from Chris Lang on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snow Day

So we don't get a whole lot of snow in Portland, thus yesterday, when we had a surprise downpour of it mid afternoon, a lot of people panicked and took to the roads trying to get home. In fact, I think everyone in the Metro area was in a car trying to drive somewhere, since it took me an hour and a half to drive the 6 miles from Michelle's work to our home.

But it made for some really nice photos!!!

A Merry Christmas

So it's been awhile since we've posted, and as you could guess, it has a lot to do with the busy holiday season. Michelle and I spent the last week and a half driving about 1000 miles to visit all our families up and down Oregon and Washington.

We spent some time in Medford with Michelle's Grandpa and family, and then up to Cottage Grove for some time with the other side of Michelle's family and Grandma. From there is was back to Portland, and on to Astoria to visit our mom's and dad's, and then up to Seattle area to visit my grandma, aunt, uncle, cousins and brother. All and all a busy time.

All our photo's are from the latter half of the trip, and you may notice the quality has gone up... that's because for Christmas the Bernys got us an awesome new camera, and we've been using it non-stop ever since :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wunder 5

Longest one yet.. thanks to Tim on this one... he not only filmed a lot of it, but I basically made it based off his shorts, so thanks for showing me how it's done Tim :)

Making Wunder 5 from Chris Lang on Vimeo.

Broken Camera

Hello... so sorry for the lack of posts, but our camera broke, so we missed out on all sorts of visuals which may have made our posts interesting... but Michelle fixed it like a pro, and so we should have more up soon :)