Friday, November 6, 2009

Parenting is rough...

Haha, ok, so Michelle and I aren't parents, but we do have a kitty, and as we discovered, she has a sensitivity to her Advantage flee medicine. If we put it on too high up on her head, then she loses her hair (temporarlly...)

So in order to keep her comfortable, while she is balding, we have a special cat ointment that we put on the irritated skin... unfortunately she doesn't like this ointment, and tried to paw it off. So tonight we had to put on a make-shift cone device in order to keep her from pawing at it. needless to say, she wasn't thrilled... here are some photos.. :(


  1. aww, that is so sad. but your kitty is cute even with the cone, she looks like a little flower.

  2. Love it so far! Especially the title!
