Monday, November 9, 2009

Web series!

So Tim and I have been writing a movie together for sometime. I haven't had much chance to film anything myself for awhile, and since Tim moved to New York, he started a collection of videos about his experience there. That got me thinking that maybe I should start a web series about trying to make a movie. It's a little abstract in its beginning stages, but I hope it will help capture the whole process of filming from writing, to actual premier... so as with all experiments, we'll see how it goes. Here is part one. I hope you enjoy.

Making Wunder pt1 from Chris Lang on Vimeo.

More to come


  1. Can I comment on our blog?? Looks like I can! Love love love the video, can't wait for more!!!

  2. Fabulous, it captured the feeling..felt I was there.

  3. Carla Bruni always reminds me of Michelle. Good choice :)
